Let’s get started

Whether you are looking for a new home or to sell yours, here are some suggestions to point you in the right direction.


  • If you haven’t done so in a while, go to AnnualCreditReport.com and request your free copy. It’s important that you correct any errors on the report before starting the mortgage process.

  • Pre-approval is a good gut check on your price range for a home. Gone are the days that banks will fork over cash to anyone with a heartbeat. The best way to start is to ask friends for referrals from mortgage brokers and to shop around with banks and credit unions. Make sure to compare apples to apples and to ask the broker about your total costs to you at closing. You should also know that once you actually find a home, the mortgage process is on the same pain level as a root canal, only it requires more patience and there’s no Novocain. You’ll need to dig up tons of paperwork and fair warning — there will be multiple requests for even more documents as you move toward closing. Eventually, you will need a “commitment letter,” which details the terms of your loan approval.

  • Some folks might have the impression that realtors are a pain to work with, but it’s actually quite the contrary. It is tough to go through the home buying process alone and you will want to find an honest agent with experience and good connections with other agents. This partnership between buyer/agent or seller/agent will definitely make the process smooth and work in your favor.

  • The offer should be based on similar homes selling in the area in the past 6 months. Your agent will help you with this process, but the offer should include the price you are willing to pay, your financial terms and contingencies, and your pre approval letter from a lender.

  • This is a major transaction in your life, so don’t try to save money when it comes to legal fees. You will want to hire a good attorney with a lot of experience in the immediate area of purchase. They will protect your needs and make sure all of the legal documents are done correctly.

  • Think you’ve found your dream house? Maybe, but unless you have a certified home inspector walk through the premises, there could be some expensive surprises in store for you. Don’t be turned off if a problem arises during the inspection; it can often be addressed with a simple credit or adjustment in price. It’s imperative to protect yourself, and much like a real estate attorney, this step is worth every penny!

  • If you are a life-long renter, this can be an eye–opener in terms of cost. Make sure that you understand the difference between insuring the structure and insuring the contents. Additionally, if you are buying a home that is close to water, make sure that you have an agent who can help you enroll in the national flood insurance program.

  • The government document provides basic details about the involved parties and a lot of numbers. Mistakes do occur, which is why it is vital that you review the statement and confirm that everything is correct

  • This is one of the proudest moments of your life…enjoy every minute knowing you are making moves towards a sound financial future for you and your family!


  • Get rid of superfluous pieces and place furniture to provide space and flow throughout your home. The exterior and façade of your home are just as important as “what’s on the inside.” A fresh coat of paint and thoughtful landscaping goes a long way. Buyers love a home with good curb appeal.

  • It is extremely important to know all the competitive homes on the market so that you can do small things to set yourself apart. You can simply price yourself a touch below everyone else to stand out or add some upgrades that make your property a must have. Beat the competition with condition!

  • In order to attract attention and make your home more memorable, consider custom designs or additions, such as landscaping, high-grade windows, or a new roof. This can help improve your home’s aesthetics, while potentially adding value to the home. Any improvements should be practical and use colors and designs that will appeal to a wide audience.

  • Pretend as if you’re moving out. Take all of the items that make your home “your” personal sanctuary. This includes family photos, religious décor, and kitschy memorabilia. Pack them all up and place them in storage. Buyers want to visualize your house as being their house and it’s difficult to do so with your personal items marking the territory as yours.

  • Keep the faux-moving in motion. Pack up all of your tchotchkes and anything sitting on your counter-tops, tables, or other surfaces. Anything you haven’t used in over a year? That goes too. Give away what you can, throw away as much as possible of what remains, and then pack the rest to get ready to move.

  • Homes that don’t get shown don’t get sold. Don’t make it too difficult for agents to get their clients into your home. If they have to make appointments way in advance or there is a very restrictive time frame, they might just cross your home off their list. Now, obviously there are circumstances that might trump this tip, but do your best to make showings easy for buyers and agents to view your lovely home.

  • Regardless of how well you renovate and stage your home, it is still important to price appropriately. Consult a local real estate agent to see what comparable homes are going for in your neighborhood. It is not always imperative to be the lowest priced home on the block, particularly when improvements have been made. However, it is important that the listing price not be out of line with other homes currently on the market. Put yourself in the buyer’s shoes and then determine if the price is fair.

  • If you find an experienced agent to list your home, who has a successful track record of selling homes in your area, listen to their recommendations. Find an agent you trust and follow their advise as often as you can.

  • Do everything you can to get your home in excellent shape and be prepared to make some small concessions at closing. These tips, coupled with an attractive price, will increase the odds of getting your home sold.

With my experience and affiliation with Christie’s International Real Estate, I am able to leverage their unmatched corporate marketing resources and superior customer service to ensure my clients receive comprehensive support and guidance throughout the real estate process.